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Hi! We are Sagebrush Sticker Company, we are three high school students in Kelowna, BC. We design and will soon sell pre-made stickers, exclusively in Canada.


25% of our profits will be going towards a charity, you get to choose which charity you want that money to go towards once you order.


Below you can find the charities we have chosen that you can choose between alongside the UN sustainable goals they represent.

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The Foundry Kelowna is an organization focused on mental health, they are geared towards youth ages 12-24, they provide resources for anyone that needs them. We have chosen them as a representation of UN goal #3, good health and well being.

The Kelowna Women's Shelter is another charity we chose as an option for you to donate to. This is for UN goal #1, no poverty, this shelter provides safety and a safe place to live for women seeking these and many more resources. 

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